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  • Writer's picturerivka cfs

10 things you don't realize are negotiable on your UPS/FedEx bills

10 things you don't realize are negotiable on your UPS/FedEx bills

❌Base transportation prices

❌Transportation Discounts

❌Minimum package price

❌Paying for dimensional weight

❌All surcharges (residential, additional handling, delivery area service etc etc)

❌Insurance rate

❌Pickup fees

❌Peak surcharges

❌The annual price increase

❌Signature fees

Get the point…….

Knowing how much each of these can be reduced takes experience but IT IS NOT BASED ON YOUR VOLUME.

It's based on KNOWING that it can be reduced/removed…

The only thing set in stone on these bills usually is people's apathy towards paying them - it's crazy how much of their products profit they could be keeping!

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